Obama otrzymał pokojową nagrodę Nobla - tymczasem planuje się kolejny rozłam i wojnę.

Zbig B. is the mastermind of the Kosovo secession under KLA terrorist auspices, a gambit
against Serbia and Russia to prepare a coming Operation Barbarossa II against Moscow.
With the help of his son M. B., another top foreign policy controller of
Obama, Zbig is also behind the new Euromissiles crisis involving US ABM installations
in Poland. Zbig is the enforcer for the new CIA policy of killing Pakistanis (as
"terrorists") without consulting the government of that country, a nuclear power twice as
big as Iran.

B's goal is confrontation with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the main
world center for resistance to US-UK global domination.
Anti-war activists are still fixated on Iran, but not B's -- his target is China,
TWENTY times bigger than Iran, with ICBMs ready to launch, followed by Russia, the
world's biggest nuclear power. Such confused activists need to focus on stopping the next
war -- the final global showdown with Pakistan, China, and Russia. That means rejecting
Brzezinski's puppet candidate Obama.


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